We like the no bullshit approach that Casey Zander takes to masculinity. In this video he talks about two important traits for masculine men:
- The ability to walk away without emotional attachment. If you have that ability no woman is able to do any harm to you.
- The ability to lead for the betterment of the whole. It does not matter if you are wrong sometimes, but you need to show you have the balls to do anything that is needed.
I consider this two traits essential for masculinity, so I will put those two in the wiki in the masculinity section. There you have the video and the transcript
Video transcript
uncle c back in the office and in today's coffee with casey video i'm going to be discussing the two alpha male secrets that modern men simply do not have now these two secrets keep in mind this is from learned experience after my own masculinity and after my own self-improvement journey not only working with thousands of students but this is also just what i've discovered after chasing excellence with my body chasing excellence with business chasing excellence to ensure that i have the success within my dating life and with women that i want and that i desire and ultimately how to make sure that i'm level-headed so that way i can truly reap the rewards of being a strong man in the areas that i want to be strong in i want the i want to actually preface this video with one preconceived notion this has nothing to do with s3 actual promiscuity and this is not necessarily going to be all about seduction okay this is this is overall all-encompassing life tactics and life ability when it comes to being a man and alpha males walk talk act and carry themselves completely differently than 99 of men out there let's actually dive into the first secret the very first secret that alpha males have that modern men simply do not is the ability to walk away with no emotional attachment i'm going to say that again the number one secret alpha males have is they have the ability to walk away with zero emotional attachment now i'm gonna explain why this is oh so necessary when it comes to women when it comes to friends and when it comes to life such as business and career opportunities number one first and foremost the ability to walk away with a woman is the only leverage and the only power that you will ever have as a man if you maintain that power there is no woman that can heartbreak you there is no woman that you can that is going to essentially test you and not only that you're going to be the one leading the relationship at all times and here's why you have to understand that when it comes to psychological differences within the dating game when you're interacting with women the only power the only leverage that she'll have on you when you're dating is leverage that you give her or leverage that you're willing to let go of that she can have and you have to understand that she does not naturally want to have the power within that relationship she wants to know that her man is strong and viable being able to walk away from a woman says a hell of a lot first off it says number one that you demand and command respect you're gonna treat yourself with respect and if that person is not treating you with respect in the relationship you're not putting up with it you're not going to try to change the person and you're not you're not going to hope that they get better and that they improve you're going to walk away because it's not worth your time your energy and your emphasis not only that this also shows that your your intellect is stronger than your emotions for the majority of men out there their emotions and what they feel oh baby but i love her oh but i don't know i just i wish she'd i wish she'd text me back i wish she'd talked to me i don't know why she's pulling back okay most men's emotions are stronger than their intellect and when your emotions are stronger than your intellect you can't lead your own life with rationale and with truth you now live your life as a slave handcuffed to whatever your heart feels at that moment and this is where you get guys who they text and they they talk and they say i can't sleep i can't eat i can't focus in school i lost 30 pounds well no [ __ ] you let your companion or so-called companion have the psychological power over you now this goes so much deeper even with dating right this goes into even just friendships and day-to-day life your ability to walk away basically says hey i'm never going to reward bad behavior i will treat you to the utmost and i will treat you the way that i know you want to be treated and in retrospect in return i'm hoping i'm expecting in fact i am expecting because i'm a high value male that you treat me just as good as i'm going to treat you the second that that reciprocity is not there that's the second you have to have the ability to walk away regardless of how long you've known the person and regardless of that emotional attachment you deserve respect as a high value male this even stems into career opportunities and employment right if you're actually at the skill level that you should be you're not going to take [ __ ] from people because you don't have to and you know that your skill will be rewarded elsewhere that's my biggest advice for you on number one alpha males have the secret the ability to walk away with no emotional attachment what's number twonumber two is even more important and we need to get real serious here and really actually discuss this alpha males have the ability to lead others regardless of how it makes them feel for the betterment of the whole i'm going to say that again alpha males have the ability to lead others regardless of how they feel for the betterment of the whole this majority stems with your leadership when it comes to dating or when it comes to women think about it for a second how many times have you taken initiative taken the lead and your girlfriend or the person you're seeing tries to throw you off that path or throw you off center they say no but we should do this instead we should go we should act like this instead and what happens when you bend or break what happens when you bend or break is that other person now loses the respect for you because it shows that you are easily able to be thrown off path as a man you have to carry yourself with the default value that you're strong and that you're competent and this shows in the conviction within your speech you have to understand that the woman your woman is not necessarily looking for a guy that does everything correctly in fact it's good if you fail and here's why it's not about making the right decision or the wrong decision it's the fact that she sees you have the balls the nuts to make a decision and when you have the nuts to make a decision your conviction within that decision is typically right and correct by default because you believe it to be true and what you believe to be true is what you finish out to the finish line and she can see that that is what is that is the root of masculine confidence the root of masculine authority the root of masculine conviction when you lead a relationship and regardless of how she feels you got to understand that she might kick fight fuss hauler scream say that's [ __ ] does not matter here's why when you stay your path when you lead accordingly she will see three things and three things only she will see that a i can trust this man b this man is strong enough to stay the path regardless of how i feel and number three he is competent and confident in his own decisions and this is going to be a massive turn on and while she maybe will throw a temper tantrum for five minutes or be pissed off about your decision you have to understand that you're going to get her s3 actual best and her intimacy in the long run and the reason being is because the second that you break that conviction that masculine conviction that you had in your decision in the first place that's when she loses respect and now you have months or weeks of nightmare and turmoil of verbatizing you by a thousand cuts to the point where you lose yourself and you don't even remember the type of man that you were or used to be here's where you're probably at if this video resonated with you in any way shape or form you're probably in one of two boats okay the first boat is for men who struggle attracting women if you struggle attracting women and you're either struggling to lose your v card or new to the dating game i want you to go down below and book a call with my brother cole okay cole is going to see if you're a fit to work one-to-one with me inside the men's full stack one percenter program where i craft you with the best systems the best guides the best mentors and the best processes to truly be a man of value also number two if you're a man struggling in a current committed relationship or marriage over on the left hand side here i'm going to put some of these testimonials that i've been getting left and right men inside my relationship blueprint mastery have been winning their wife back reigniting the sex life and the intimacy and keeping their family together this system in this process that i've built for married men has been the fundamental root of them keeping their family together so they don't have to get a divorce they don't have to separate out of their home and if you're a man dealing with your wife pulling back your wife losing attraction and your wife losing intimacy what's going to happen is once you copy paste this system into your life you're going to get the results that you're looking for to actually save everything now we only do this application based only which means that my time is limited and so is yours so i want to make damn sure you're a good fit for this which means if you are if you're interested i want you to go down below book a call for the men's relationship blueprint mastery case study okay and inside of that you're going to be able to hop on a call with my team we'll see if you're a fit and if spots are open for this month you'll have the opportunity to work closely alongside one to one with me to truly save your marriage hit the like button comment and subscribe and we will see you in the next one you